Whisk(e)y How To, Whisk(e)y Wisdom

Virtual At Home Whiskey Tastings

Virtual Whiskey Tastings At Home.jpg

You’re stuck at home.

You’d like to be out this weekend. See your friends. Laugh and hang out. Have some drinks. DO something.

But, like everyone else, your social scene’s been cramped lately.

Time to MacGyver your at home entertainment.

Step 1: Take stock of your assets.

Do you have whiskey?

Do you have an internet connection?

Zoom app?

Friends you miss?

Great. You’ve got the makings of weekend fun.

Step 2: Make a plan.

You’re going to host a virtual whiskey tasting via zoom. Contact your friends. See what time works for them. They’re probably wide open. Also, ask them what whiskeys they have at home.

Now, find the three whiskeys you all have in common. (Whiskey genres works too if you don’t have the exact same whiskeys.)

Pick a theme. Why? Because otherwise, you’re just sitting in front of a screen drinking whiskey. You could do that alone. This is going to be better. Find what either connects the three whiskeys or makes them different. There’s your theme.

Set a start time and a time limit. Don’t leave it open-ended. That’s when things get awkward. Don’t be awkward. Leave them wanting more and they’ll say yes next time you invite them to do something.

Step 3: Execute.

Send zoom link.

Pour whiskey.

Enjoy seeing your friends over drinks. The new old times’ way.

— Zac Smith

P.S. If you want help planning and executing your virtual whiskey tasting CLICK HERE.